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Get in touch

Hours:8am - 5pm Monday to Friday, closed all weekends and public holidays

Phone: 027 847-4444




After hours and weekends - our Downtime Policy

Everyone works hard through the week right? 

We kindly ask you to respect our After Hours Downtime Policy so the team can enjoy evenings and weekends with family and friends.

Our office is open 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.

Please try to contact us during office hours for enquiries or to add or change your bookings.

We have a lot to co-ordinate each day to get all of the dogs to The Dog Garden so we really appreciate as much advance notice as you can give us anyway!

If you do need to get in touch urgently after hours (eg: for a booking issue for the next business day) please text and we'll endeavour to reply.

Otherwise for all after hours enquiries please just email and we'll reply on the next business day.


Voicemail - not for us .....

Also - please note that we do not clear voicemail from our phone - we're on the road so much it's impossible to clear them all - pretty please text or email if we miss your call :-)

Other options

Homestay accommodation

Get in touch - we have a pool of caring dog lovers that take small breed dogs in their homes to stay

Ph 027 847-4444   :    :   :   :   190a Gracefield Rd, Lower Hutt

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